Woodturners Entry Registrations
- Entries must not have been made prior to March 15, 2023.
- Pieces presented at club challenge and show and tell at regular club meeting are eligible for entry.
- Pieces made during a hands-on demonstration are eligible for entry.
- Entries may be made up of multiple pieces. Multiple piece entries MUST have a method of showing that the entry is made up of multiple pieces. e.g. a cloth 'pad' or display platform.
- Any lighting or motion display must be self powered, power cords are NOT allowed.
- Display platform MUST NOT be taller than any single entry piece.
- Entries that have been entered in any previous SWIWTA competition and which have not received any ribbons are eligible for re-entry
*Any signature or personal identification on entries must be covered prior to judging.
The judges will award prizes only to deserving work. This means that if, in the judge’s opinion, there are no entries worthy of any or all prizes – any one or all of these prizes may be withheld.
Inlay materials, inlay materials (Glass, metal, and acrylic can be used as inlays or trims only),patinas, and colors may be added to any pieces entered.
Woodturners are to choose the skill level that best represents their ability.
Eight categories; Bowl, Lidded Forms, Pens, Platter, Segmented, Special Forms, Spindle, Vases and Hollow Forms.
Skill Levels
Youth: Youth under 16 years of age.
Maximum entries per youth member: 6 Total.
Any entry at the YOUTH level that is deemed to be at the NOVICE level by the SWIWT President, designee or judge may be upgraded to the next level.
An artist under 16 can enter in novice level at his/her choice.
Beginner: Open to any artist who has not entered any other competition, won two or more 1st place ribbons in the novice level in previous competition or has entered above the novice level in other competitions in the last 5 years. Any entry at the BEGINNER level that is deemed to be at the INTERMEDIATE level by the SWIWT President, designee or judge may be upgraded to the next level.
Intermediate: Members who have won a total of Two (2) 1st place ribbons at the Novice level must compete at this level. Any entry at the INTERMEDIATE level that is deemed to be at the ADVANCED level by the SWIWT President, designee or judge may be upgraded to the next level.
Advanced: Members who routinely produce wood turnings specifically for sale or have won a total of Two (2) 1st place ribbons at the intermediate level must compete at this level. Maximum entries per member: 40 total, but no more than 5 per category.
Any entry must have the majority of the piece turned on a lathe.
Judging will be based on:
Concept: Artistry, Originality, Creativity
Execution: Successful execution of idea, Craftsmanship, Finish
Technical difficulty: Size, Texture(s), Coloring, Carving, Lamination, Contours
Best of Category judging:
-Each category within each skill level is considered as a competition by itself.
-A category should have a minimum of Two (2) entries. Failing this, that category may still be judged, but any one or all prizes may or may not be awarded.
-A category with less than two (2) entries may be combined with another category in the same skill level. This decision will be at the judge(s) discretion.
Best of Skill Level judging:
-Each skill level is considered as a competition by itself.
-Within the same skill level, all 1st place winners of each category are eligible.
Best of Wood Turners judging:
All entries are eligible.
Judge's decision(s) are final.
There is a limit of five entries per category and a limit of 40 total number of pieces entered in the show. All work must have been completed after March 28, 2023 and must be the work of the artist. By registering a piece for the competition, the artist is certifying that it is his or her work and was completed within the two years prior to the show.