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Woodscrollers Entry Registrations


Scroll Sawed Entries

This show is family oriented and is an attempt to showcase woodworking and scrolling as a desirable and enjoyable past time. Inappropriate pieces displaying sexual or vulgar content will be removed from the competition. If there are questions regarding an individual piece they should  be directed to one of the show chairs for review at the time of registration. Individual pieces may be moved to more appropriate divisions or numbered categories if deemed necessary, by the judges, to provide better balance in the competition. It must be noted that if there are only one or two pieces entered in a specific category they will be judged on their own merit and one will not automatically be awarded a blue ribbon. Accordingly, if there are too few pieces in a division, a Best of Division may not be awarded. In addition, computer/laser generated items or items made by computer controlled equipment may not be entered in the competition. 

Woodscrollers are to choose the skill level that best represents their ability.

Eight categories; Bowl, Lidded Forms, Pens, Platter, Segmented, Special Forms, Spindle, Vases and Hollow Forms. 


Skill Levels


Youth:   Youth age sixteen and under may enter their work in the competition without paying a registration fee and are eligible to compete for ribbons.


Beginner:   Those who are relatively new to the art form and have a grasp of the basics and may have entered a competition in the past yet have not won a major award. Those who have earned three Blue Ribbons or one Best of Division at this level should move up to the intermediate level at their next competition.

Intermediate:   One who understands the basics, uses most tools with confidence, is progressing to more complicated work, uses a variety of woods and materials, and sees finishing/painting are more important to the overall work. Those who have a total of three Best of Division awards on three different pieces should move to the advanced level.

Advanced:   This skill level is reserved for scrollers who have mastered the techniques of scrolling and finishing in all aspects of their work. Originality and artistry are especially important at this level. Individuals who can be viewed as professionals because they routinely sell their works are to be placed at this skill level.



Judging is the most important part of a competition. The judges represent different areas of expertise and may confer with one another to make difficult decisions. Ribbons will be awarded based on artistic merit, level of difficulty, craftsmanship, skill level, originality, and presentation.

There is a limit of two entries per numbered category and no limit to total number of pieces entered in the show.  All work must have been completed after April 1, 2023 and must be the work of the artist.  By registering a piece for the competition, the artist is certifying that it is his or her work and was completed within the two years prior to the show.

Item Entry

Entry Piece

Choose the Section, the Division/Category and indicate your skill level of each piece and finally provide a description. You need to fill out a form for each entry.

Skill Level
Youth (16 & under)

The first 5 pieces are entered for free. Each entry after that is $5 when done before deadline. a $10 fee will be charged at check-in.

** If fees aren't paid at the time of submission you will be responsible for the $10/piece charge when you arrive at check-in. Check or card only accepted at the door, NO CASH.

Please enter the total quantity of items you have entered in the 5 free limit and then any over that limit.


Pre-register Extra Entry Fees
FREE entries (up to 5)$0
Items entered over 5$5

The woodscrollers division is brought to you by:

Treasure Valley Scrollers

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